
Sunflower Meats


Sunflower Meats is the only true no waste, no mess feed available. This is pure sunflower and the birds’ number one choice. With almost no shell, you get more feed per pound and no messy hulls to clean up. It’s perfect if you want to feed from balconies and decks without the mess of leftover shells.

Ingredients:  Whole-kernel Sunflower Meats (without shell)

  • This is pure sunflower and the birds’ number one choice.
  • No waste, no mess, no shells
  • The best solution for those who live in apartments or condos and want to feed the birds.
  • No added synthetics, chemicals, or artificial flavors.
  • Works well in all feeder types including Cole’s Terrific Tube™, Mighty Mesh™, and Bountiful Bowl™.
  • Attracts all sunflower-loving birds including bluebirds, chickadees, cardinals, Pyrrhuloxia, titmice, finches, woodpeckers, wrens, buntings, grosbeaks, towhees, nuthatches, song sparrows, and doves.
SKU: N/A Categories: ,
Additional Information
Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 22 × 10 × 3 in

5 lb, 10 lb, 20 lb