
Oil Sunflower


Black oil sunflower is the number one choice of almost all seed eating songbirds. Cole’s Oil Sunflower is the absolute highest-grade black oil sunflower out there. It’s over 99% pure and cleaned four times to ensure that you get more seed and fewer sticks. Plus it’s positively chock full of oil. You want as much oil in your sunflower as you can get because that’s what attracts the birds. So, our high-grade, high-oil sunflower means more birds at your bird feeder.

Ingredients:  Black Oil Sunflower

  • Black Oil sunflower is the number one choice of most seed-eating songbirds.
  • Absolutely the highest grade oil sunflower on the market.
  • Cleaned 4 times to ensure you get more seed and fewer sticks
  • Higher than industry standard oil content means more birds at the feeder.
  • No added synthetics, chemicals, or artificial flavors.
  • Works well in all feeder types including Cole’s Terrific Tube™, Mighty Mesh™, and Bountiful Bowl™.
  • You name it and they probably eat Oil Sunflower. From chickadees, cardinals, titmice, finches, woodpeckers, and wrens to buntings, grosbeaks, towhees, Pyrrhuloxia, song sparrows, and doves – both perch and ground feeding birds look for Oil Sunflower first.
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Additional Information
Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions 22 × 10 × 3 in

8 lb, 16 lb