
Blue Ribbon Blend Suet Cake


A “Better” all-purpose soft suet that attracts the largest variety of songbirds. Full of much needed calories and fiber, Blue Ribbon Blend™ suet cakes are a great substitute for insects during the spring, fall and winter months.

Ingredients:  Rendered Beef Suet, Sunflower, White Millet, Cracked Corn, Milk, Oats

  • Provides much needed energy and calories.
  • Formulated with all natural ingredients.
  • Best served in a suet cage feeder or cut into pieces and placed in the Cole’s Bountiful Bowl™ feeder.
  • Attracts bluebirds, cardinals, chickadees, warblers, buntings, nuthatches, woodpeckers, and wrens.
  • 75 ounces
SKU: BRSU Category:
Additional Information
Weight .75 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 1.5 in

1 Pack, 12 Pack